The series has been translated into Scottish Gaelic and is broadcast on BBC Alba since 2010. The show was repeat in 2009 on which is a children's television strand on Scottish television channel, then on Saturday mornings on STV during 2010. Scottish Television screened the series as part of its children programme Inside Out. The series was a fixture of CBS' Saturday-morning cartoon lineup. The series was based on the book series Myth Men Guardians of the Legend written in 19 by Laura Geringer and illustrated by Peter Bollinger. Two seasons of episodes were produced in 19 then aired as reruns until 2000, when CBS' abolition of its children's programming resulted in its cancellation.
Mythic Warriors (also known as Mythic Warriors: Guardians of the Legend) is a 1998-2000 animated television series, which featured retellings of popular Greek myths that were altered so as to be appropriate for younger audiences, produced by Nelvana and Marathon Media.
Scottish Television Enterprises (United Kingdom)